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Trashed Crash Pandas


Welcome! This is a mini role-playing adventure game of raccoons drinking beer and racing stolen cars. Do I need to say anything more?

Perhaps a little more...

Players take on the role of trash pandas (i.e., raccoons) doing decidedly human-like things. A Raccoon Wrangler (RW) runs the game, makes rulings, and plays the city and all the odd animals, people, and race car drivers the player raccoons might encounter.

This game is improvisational, with only a few rules or mechanics. You need some six-sided dice, an RW, and two or more players, plus some pencils and the character sheet provided in the appendix.

This document has two parts: the first explains the basics for players, and the second has advice for the RW.

The idea for this game came about after an evening in the Texas piney woods with a precocious raccoon fascinated by our barbeque grill. I’m sure he’s still out there grilling his dinners and knocking back a beer or two as I type.


Zachary Taylor
April 2023


This is a game. It in no way condones raccoons operating heavy machinery under the influence. No raccoons were harmed in the making of this game, though several beers disappeared.